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Weight Loss

Chinese acupuncture is finally getting under the skin of dieters by tapping into the body’s many hidden energy meridians. The ancient practice of acupuncture helps to heal a host of ailments, and practitioners of Western medicine now embrace it to quell chronic pain, postoperative pain, nausea and vomiting, high blood pressure, addictions and weight loss. When fine needles are barely inserted into the skin along strategic points on the body it can restore balance to the flow of energy along rivers of Qi (pronounced Chee), or life force.

There are many reasons people become overweight – hormone imbalances, slowed metabolism, overeating, poor nutrition and lack of exercise are some of the most common.

Using acupuncture to tackle weight loss is a multi-pronged approach.

Pinning Down the Benefits

The rationale for using acupuncture for weight control is based in the premise that weight gain could be the result of disturbed energy flow to and from the regulating center of the brain, called the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is responsible for maintaining “homeostasis” or functional balance that allows the body to run like a finely tuned instrument. It is the body’s dispatch center that regulates hormones and neurochemicals and helps to control body temperature, circadian rhythm, thirst, and hunger.

Of particular interest is the ability of acupuncture to influence obesity hormones. Research measuring the effectiveness of acupuncture for weight loss found treatments increased ghrelin, a hormone that controls meal initiation and decreased leptin, the hormone that regulates fat storage and metabolism.

The guiding principal is that acupuncture can power up any other weight control strategy by curbing appetite, quelling cravings, boosting metabolism, improving digestion, regulating obesity-related hormones and enhancing the way nutrients are used. It also strengthens the function of the liver, the organ that produces many chemicals critical for digestion, processing nutrients and breaking down of fats. Acupuncture may also increase tone in the smooth muscle of the stomach to help people know that they are full.

Earmark of Acupuncture

To pinpoint the Qi for effective weight control, acupuncturists take aim at 4 acupuncture points on the ear – the hunger point, Shen Men point, stomach point, and endocrine point. A few tiny sterilized needles are inserted along these invisible channels to decrease the “heat” generated along these meridians and to stimulate centers that trigger the release of neurochemicals and hormones.

During some courses of treatment, the needles are covered with tape so that they can be left in place for a few days. Patients later remove them at home or during follow-up visits to the acupuncturist. Some practitioners may also use “ear seeds” that patient wear home that can be massaged periodically to help with difficult-to-control urges.

Guidance For Using Acupuncture For Weight Loss

Choose a qualified practitioner – Most states require that acupuncturists be licensed to assure that they have completed the necessary education and training standards to practice. You may see L.Ac. (licensed acupuncturist) following his or her name. Acupuncturists may also be medical doctors or other medical professionals who have completed a postgraduate program of study.

Complete a full course of treatment – Acupuncture for weight loss is best achieved with 10 treatments delivered over a few weeks.
Follow a comprehensive weight-loss plan – Acupuncture should be used alongside a comprehensive weight-loss plan that includes healthy food choices coupled with exercise.

Don’t Confuse Treatments — Although ear stapling is loosely based on the concept of acupuncture, it is an imprecise method that uses surgical staples that penetrate the cartilage of the ear, which is known to promote infection.

I came to troy acupuncture center for loosing weight. I was 162 pounds and everybody told me I seriously needed to get skinnier. I tried acupuncture and there was great results. The first session I lost 4 pounds, but gradually I lost more and more until I was 137 pounds! Also, their fire moving cupping was really relaxing and I came back for doing it. If you haven’t tried cupping, you really should. Now I look fabulous, and I would totally recommend troy acupuncture center for loosing weight(and relaxing)

Lily L.

I’m in my mid fifties. I have carried an extra twenty five pounds around and do not diet or exercise with much regularity. Dr Xu informed me she could be of help. I was given an acupuncture session after which I was weighed. Then “seeds” were placed in my ear, I was given “slimming tea” and instructed on what to eat, and how much weight was safe to lose each month. I came twice a month, ate sensibly, drank the tea in morning and at lunch.
Immediately my appetite decreased and energy levels soared! I lost twenty five pounds in about ten weeks. Thank you Dr Xu! I feel better, look better and didn’t have to do anything but come in for treatment and eat better food; less breads, noodles, crackers and such.
I have had other treatments there, all with good results. I firmly believe this is the best option
For all humans who are suffering, pharmaceuticals mask pain and block healing. This uses
Your body’s own ability to heal itself by careful redirection of your own energy. It is worth it!

John G.

I have never heard of ear candling before until I went to The Acupuncture Institute Of Michigan for acupuncture to relieve my back and neck pain. After a few sessions, I saw on the wall of the waiting room that Dr. Xu offers ear candling services. I wanted to try it out and I loved it! It’s very relaxing, therapeutic, and a very gentle practice. It doesn’t take too long either and Dr. Xu got so much ear wax out of my ears that have built up for so many years! Sounds gross but I never felt my ears so clean before, a great decrease in ear wax production afterwards for a long time and my hearing was improved greatly! I definitely recommend it to anyone who feels they have too much ear wax in the ears.

Krystle Niekra

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