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Pain Management

We now treat Pain Management and Fertility at our new Berkley location at 3053 Coolidge, Berkley, MI, 48072.

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Acupuncture is proven to alleviate pain in a variety of contexts.

The American Pain Foundation estimates that approximately 23 percent of American adults suffer from pain at least once in their lifetime. Approximately $560 to $630 billion dollars was spent in the United States in 2010 for medical costs associated with pain. For centuries, Chinese medicine has been successfully treating pain by using acupuncture and herbal medicines without the side effects that many pain medications have. Western science has found acupuncture to have specific physiological effects such as increasing endogenous opiates, endorphins, and enkephalins that help reduce pain and inflammation, and help speed recovery time.

How many treatments will it take?

The number of treatments needed tends to vary significantly. The most current research on chronic pain and acupuncture has found that chronic pain sufferers benefit from two to three treatments per week. A typical course of treatment is 8–10 biweekly visits with a gradual reduction in frequency of treatments as symptoms improve. A treatment plan will be discussed and developed as part of your first visit. Diet and lifestyle will also impact your treatment and your practitioner will talk with you about these as well.

Will herbal medicine be useful?

Yes. There are numerous herbal formulations that can be administered orally or topically that effectively treat pain and the associated symptoms such as redness, swelling, and bruising, when present.

What type of herbs may be useful?

Traditionally, herbs are prepared as teas. However, there are also many pill formulas, plasters, liniments, and ointments that are available. You may discuss the best options for you with your practitioner.

What other pain issues can acupuncture treat?

Acupuncture has proven effective in treating TMJ, trigeminal neuralgia, peripheral neuropathy, digestive pain, gynecological-related pain, and many other conditions.

Can acupuncture treat my migraine headaches?

Yes. Acupuncture is very effective in treating all kinds of headaches with the exception of cluster headaches.

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